Societe de Chirurgie Vasculaire de Langue Française

The Vascular Society

European Society for Vascular Surgery
The objectives of the Society are to relieve sickness and to preserve and protect health by advancing for the public benefit the science and art and research into vascular disease including vascular surgery.

The European Society for Vascular Surgery was founded and inaugurated on May 6, 1987 in London.

This inaugural meeting was attended by Presidents or Representatives of almost all the National Vascular Societies in Europe, who supported the formation and aims of the ESVS. The Officers and Members of the Council were proposed and elected, ensuring a satisfactory representation from various European countries. It was further agreed that the Society would generally meet in September each year.

The Society has grown enormously since that time and now has approximately 1900 members, mostly European, but many from other parts of the world.

Sociedad Cirujanos Vasculares de Habla Hispana

SGACV fundada en 1993   |   www.sgacv.es   |   Decana de las Webs Vasculares del Estado Español   |   Segunda época (1997 - 2025)   |   email